Intelligent Hearing Protection & Workplace Noise Management
The EAVE solution consists of FocusLite smart ear defenders that provide hearing protection and situational awareness while at the same time collecting noise data -both externally and internally .
This noise data can then transferred to their PEAK online platform for insights and analysis.
Using the data effectively can promote a safe and productive working environment using advanced hearing protection and noise analytics.
It can be integrated into and help support your existing Hearing Conservation Programme.
Used correctly, it can highlight areas where noise is a concern, where employees are most at risk and where action to reduce the noise at source needs to be taken.
Safety culture. Using Focuslite smart ear defenders is a simple way to determine if employees are actually wearing their HPE as they should, or do they take it off when no one is looking?
This noise data can then transferred to their PEAK online platform for insights and analysis.
Using the data effectively can promote a safe and productive working environment using advanced hearing protection and noise analytics.
It can be integrated into and help support your existing Hearing Conservation Programme.
Used correctly, it can highlight areas where noise is a concern, where employees are most at risk and where action to reduce the noise at source needs to be taken.
Safety culture. Using Focuslite smart ear defenders is a simple way to determine if employees are actually wearing their HPE as they should, or do they take it off when no one is looking?
To find out more about EAVE services and product range, call us today on 0333 0065 002 to discuss your requirements.
Protect your workers and safely manage noise
Create a "want to wear" hearing-protection culture
Prioritise worker-health by providing the most advanced noise-reduction solution on the market and get employee buy in to both the Hearing Conservation Programme and the overall company safety culture..
Monitor individual risk
Track each worker’s noise exposure to ensure they remain within safe parameters at all times.
Identify noise risk
Understand where noise is a problem on site as part of your on going risk assessment programme. Then take all the necessary steps to reduce that risk for your employees well-being. This includes reduction of the noise at source or effectively managing each employees exposure to noise.
The right protection for the job
Ensuring that the HPE worn by your workforce is right for the noise levels and frequencies. This includes avoiding both under and over protection.
Improve site safety and communications
By using situational awareness workers can have increased awareness of their surroundings resulting in a safer environment for them, their colleagues and the general public (if applicable), whilst still wearing their HPE to maximise their own protection and safety.
Reduce claims
Minimise occupational deafness claims by increased compliance, effective Hearing Conservation Programmes, greater wearer acceptance and offering advanced hearing protection which is the right protection for the job.
Enhance productivity
With workers able to communicate better and easier, this solution helps to keep them productive throughout the day.
Greater Compliance
Offering HPE that is more suitable for each particular site or application results in greater compliance of wearing the HPE and understanding the need for an active and sustainable Hearing Conservation Programme.
Prioritise worker-health by providing the most advanced noise-reduction solution on the market and get employee buy in to both the Hearing Conservation Programme and the overall company safety culture..
Monitor individual risk
Track each worker’s noise exposure to ensure they remain within safe parameters at all times.
Identify noise risk
Understand where noise is a problem on site as part of your on going risk assessment programme. Then take all the necessary steps to reduce that risk for your employees well-being. This includes reduction of the noise at source or effectively managing each employees exposure to noise.
The right protection for the job
Ensuring that the HPE worn by your workforce is right for the noise levels and frequencies. This includes avoiding both under and over protection.
Improve site safety and communications
By using situational awareness workers can have increased awareness of their surroundings resulting in a safer environment for them, their colleagues and the general public (if applicable), whilst still wearing their HPE to maximise their own protection and safety.
Reduce claims
Minimise occupational deafness claims by increased compliance, effective Hearing Conservation Programmes, greater wearer acceptance and offering advanced hearing protection which is the right protection for the job.
Enhance productivity
With workers able to communicate better and easier, this solution helps to keep them productive throughout the day.
Greater Compliance
Offering HPE that is more suitable for each particular site or application results in greater compliance of wearing the HPE and understanding the need for an active and sustainable Hearing Conservation Programme.
FocusLite Headset
Lightweight, comfortable, and durable ear defenders featuring:
Peak Platform
Technology for People in Noise
The FocusLite ear defenders collect noise data from inside and outside of the earcup. This data is then automatically uploaded to Peak when near a SmartHub. It collects both measurements to identify the users' external noise exposure against the measure of their internal protection.
Beacons are small low energy devices that capture location-based data for the Noise Map functionality on Peak. The FocusLite headset records the noise levels and location of the beacons when in proximity. This data is uploaded to Peak, along with the user's exposure data.
Smart Hub
Smart Hubs are the internet bridge devices that FocusLite ear defenders use to send their data to the Peak platform. The FocusLite connects to the Smart Hub over Bluetooth when they are within range.
The Smart Hub is placed in a gateway location where personal protective equipment is stored and where the FocusLite headsets are charged.
Data for each user is uploaded and the information is displayed on the Peak dashboard. Peak can show you if hearing protection was properly used when required. It allows you to filter for worksites, teams and individuals to identify necessary corrective actions and possible improvements.
Peak shows noise overexposures and if legal limits have been exceeded. Using the beacon technology, you can see where noise hotspots are on your sites. By identifying these, you are better positioned to reduce or eliminate sources of excessive noise or to adapt workers behaviour in these areas.
Peak enables you to see and analyse the noise information to better understand what's happening onsite and to take appropriate actions. With notifications you will receive SMS and Email alerts about workers noise overexposures.
Examples of actions resulting from using the Peak dashboard and notifications are:
The FocusLite ear defenders collect noise data from inside and outside of the earcup. This data is then automatically uploaded to Peak when near a SmartHub. It collects both measurements to identify the users' external noise exposure against the measure of their internal protection.
Beacons are small low energy devices that capture location-based data for the Noise Map functionality on Peak. The FocusLite headset records the noise levels and location of the beacons when in proximity. This data is uploaded to Peak, along with the user's exposure data.
Smart Hub
Smart Hubs are the internet bridge devices that FocusLite ear defenders use to send their data to the Peak platform. The FocusLite connects to the Smart Hub over Bluetooth when they are within range.
The Smart Hub is placed in a gateway location where personal protective equipment is stored and where the FocusLite headsets are charged.
Data for each user is uploaded and the information is displayed on the Peak dashboard. Peak can show you if hearing protection was properly used when required. It allows you to filter for worksites, teams and individuals to identify necessary corrective actions and possible improvements.
Peak shows noise overexposures and if legal limits have been exceeded. Using the beacon technology, you can see where noise hotspots are on your sites. By identifying these, you are better positioned to reduce or eliminate sources of excessive noise or to adapt workers behaviour in these areas.
Peak enables you to see and analyse the noise information to better understand what's happening onsite and to take appropriate actions. With notifications you will receive SMS and Email alerts about workers noise overexposures.
Examples of actions resulting from using the Peak dashboard and notifications are:
- Identifying and remedying incorrect use of FocusLite hearing protection.
- Adjusting shift patterns for workers to keep those identified as high risk below their weekly overexposure levels.
- Adjusting site capacity when very loud machinery/equipment activities are occurring.
- Swapping work areas for those who repeatedly are identified as at risk of overexposure.
- Changing routes to avoid people frequently passing high noise area's.
- Identify, reduce or eliminate sources (equipment) of high noise.